New Years 2020 e-news: Obsidian’s expecting & other Great Working Ranch Expectations – the 2020 Calendar

The 2020 Working Ranch Calendar:  * Between March 8 and May 2.  Trail cattle out to spring pastures – 2-3 days. Round up cattle, sort, and trail ten miles to fresh pastures.  Mount up and ride fences to see if wildlife crossing during the winter has weakened any places along the pasture perimeter that need

New Years 2020 e-news: Obsidian’s expecting & other Great Working Ranch Expectations – the 2020 Calendar Read More »

New Years 2020 e-news: A HorseWorks participant tells about her decision to go to Uni after HorseWorks and how her experience helped her get in.

SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE: Tallulah tells about her decision to go to Uni after HorseWorks and how her experience helped her get in. I came to Horseworks from the UK after finishing my A levels. I had always wanted to learn how to do western riding but there wasn’t anywhere near me that did western lessons

New Years 2020 e-news: A HorseWorks participant tells about her decision to go to Uni after HorseWorks and how her experience helped her get in. Read More »