Structured to meet your hands-on externship goals
An equine externship at HorseWorks is the perfect working-ranch complement to your clinic-based program!
- Get involved in day-to-day, hands-on, working horse ranch activities from morning to night outside the classroom setting AND
- Shadow our local veterinarians.
More exposure builds technique and confidence around herd animals both on the ground and horseback.
Learn to safely handle horses that are new to you, horses of a variety of personalities, training, and ages. Options of Full Horsemanship Experience, Internship/Externship, or Observer means something to meet your specific goals.
Small group, individualized sessions include all on-ranch and vet-shadowing activities, housing, on-ranch meals, airport pick up and drop off.
Apply today!
Participant take-aways
On the fence about large versus small animal specializations?
Need to show that you have explored the large animal option for your academic applications?
Our hands-on ranch equine program has been an asset to many students.
Ranchers do much of our own vet work and when livestock requires a veterinarian's attention, our local veterinarians invite us to join in.
Pre-vet students may work with their university advisors to arrange Independent Study Credit for Externships & Experiential Learning Opportunities that give students hands-on experience with large animals.
Taking a break from the classroom to immerse yourself in the Western lifestyle and culture will revitalize you for your return to your studies or your job! Enjoy all the fun activities on and off-ranch. Make new friends and build strong bonds along the way. In short, be prepared to have an adventure of a lifetime!

People get out of vet school with no experience catching a horse or handling a horse. I deal with people who are disciples of clinicians and can make a horse mind at the end of a lead rope and respect them at a distance, but they can’t handle a horse up close.
This is exactly the type of experience we hope to offer students. Something outside of the usual ‘small animal practice’ is always welcome!
When to Come
Dates & Duration: Spring break for externships. May and June are considered late-spring and early summer in Wyoming, which means longer, warmer days. Starting June 1, there are more off-ranch opportunities in surrounding towns, like the Cody Nite Rodeo.
Discounts: Spring break externs get a 25% discount for booking before Jan 31. Our extended stay discounts encourage longer stays. Three booking options: full horsemanship experience, Interns/Externs and Spectators.
More Info: Check out a complete list of Dates & Prices, and Blogs by former participants. The Application and Booking Forms help us understand your expectations and goals for your stay and your riding ability so that we can plan appropriate horsemanship activities and rides.
Apply: To apply, fill out, photograph/scan and email your Application and Booking Forms to us at If you have dates in mind, let us know and we will get back with you right away about availability.
Bring a passion for horses and a sense of adventure! There are as many reasons to come to HorseWorks Wyoming/WEC as there are participants!